Euni Partners

Training of Trainers in the framework of the project “Inequalities Matter”

Starting from 22.04.2024, Association “Euni Partners” hosted a three-day Training of Trainers in the framework of the project “Inequalities Matter”, funded by the CERV Programme of the EU. The event gathered representatives of public authorities and NGOs from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, France and Portugal working in the field of …

Second International meeting within the project Inequalities Matter

In the period from 18th to 21st March 2024, Association “Euni Partners” took part in a study visit in Oberhausen, Germany, within the Inequalities Matter project. During the study visit partners discussed various topics, including social inclusion, climate change, sustainable living, and environmental protection. The municipality of Oberhausen presented their …

Workshop within the project Inequalities Matter

Association Euni Partners, in cooperation with Regional Administration Blagoevgrad organized a local workshop on Environmental Citizenship on the topic: “Circular Economy”, within the project Inequalities Matter. Health and education mediators of the Roma community from the south-western region participated in the event. Mrs Miglena Bacheva, chief expert – district with …

Meeting in Greece, Veroia withing the project VOLT (Volunteering Values Think Tank)

In the period from the 14th to 17th of October, a delegation from the Municipality of Belitsa, Bulgaria, and Maria Kovachka – a member of Association “Euni Partners” participated in a meeting within the project VOLT in Veroia, Greece. The project is coordinated by EQUALINE, Greece. Partners are: DRUSTVO ZA …
