Euni Partners

Kick-off meeting of the project “The Third Reading Age”

Due to the COVID-19 situation the first meeting was conducted through the online platform Zoom on 7th October 2020.The project’s main aim is to help seniors, who are in the age of 60+ to get familiar with digital reading tools, such as online pages and eBook in order to increase …

Association Euni Partners received an award for contributions to the Adult Learning Sector

  Association Euni Partners participated in the sixth edition of the National Days for Lifelong Learning.   The president of the Association Ms Ilina Yakova received the award for contribution to the development of adult education and for the implementation of innovative teaching methods and technologies in several areas: methods and …

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS for the project “Volunteering4Solidarity”

We are happy to share with you our project “Volunteering4Solidarity” for aspiring volunteers. We need French, German, Italian and Slovak volunteers for 12 months in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Association Euni Partners gives the opportunity for volunteers to: actively participate in social activities and develop their own develop and/or enhance their social …

Training for Primary School teachers within the project GoDIGITAL

Euni Partners conducted training on the GoDIGITAL project: Integrating mobile learning and upgrading teachers’ digital skills: A Tool Kit for effective strategies in primary school. The training took place at the Fifth Primary School “Georgi Izmirliev” in Blagoevgrad. Euni Partners’ team taught the primary school teachers two of the five …

RAYSE Youth Ambassadors

On 29th April 2020, Association Euni Partners organized an online event for promoting RAYSE project. The project aims to raise the awareness on the youth of second generation with migrant background. We had the pleasure to present our Bulgarian Youth Ambassadors and give them the opportunity to share their vision …

Become a Supporter of the GoDIGITAL project

We invite you to fill this short form and become a supporter of the GoDIGITAL project! For more information about the project: Follow us on our GoDigital Ambassadors Group: The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

GoDIGITAL Petition

The GoDIGITAL Petition aims to: 1. Promote the Digital Competence Framework of Educators (DIGICOMPEDU). 2. Develop, implement and evaluate a complete tool kit which will support primary school teachers to design their digital development plan for upgrading current teaching and learning opportunities through the use of mobile learning and technology. …

Short Staff Joint Training Model of Competences

The first training “Model of Competences and the Balance of Competences’’ was held in Barcelona, between 2nd and 5th of March 2020. The training, organized by SURT, is part of the project ,,Marielle – never stop rising’’,  aiming at economic and personal empowering of women from vulnerable groups. During the …

International Conference “Seniors Go Digital: Active Aging and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)”

Association Euni Partners and its representatives took part in the event, which held on 19th February in Athens, Greece as part of the project Seniors Go Digital. The conference focused on the activities implemented and objectives achieved during the project. The aim of this conference was not only to present …
