The first training “Model of Competences and the Balance of Competences’’ was held in Barcelona, between 2nd and 5th of March 2020. The training, organized by SURT, is part of the project ,,Marielle – never stop rising’’, aiming at economic and personal empowering of women from vulnerable groups.
During the training all project partners had the chance to get acquainted with a competence-based methodology, both on theory and practice, through participation in various thematic activities and discussions. Experts, with experience with the Model of Competence introduced tools linked to different methodologies as reflection-action, art therapy and body work, mentoring and mutual support groups which can be used by social workers, adult educators or organisations, working with women at risk of marginalization, victims of violence and gender discrimination.
Model of Competence methodology is a practice that supports women in their paths by recognizing, enhancing and exploiting their abilities to push them to acquire new skills and knowledge, enter the labour market or start a business. According to this model, competences are classified as follows: basic competences, technical, professional and business competences and transversal competences. The methodology will be adapted according to the specific context and implemented by each of the partners on local level.
On the last day of the training the consortium visited the Fundació Intermedia, a non-profit organization with a long-term experience in social activities for improving the employment of people at risk of exclusion through advice, orientation, training, and development of professional skills.
The project is co-funded by Erasmus +, KA 2: Strategic Partnership Adult Education – Best Practices