Euni Partners

Training for Primary School teachers within the project GoDIGITAL

Euni Partners conducted training on the GoDIGITAL project: Integrating mobile learning and upgrading teachers’ digital skills: A Tool Kit for effective strategies in primary school. The training took place at the Fifth Primary School “Georgi Izmirliev” in Blagoevgrad. Euni Partners’ team taught the primary school teachers two of the five …

Become a Supporter of the GoDIGITAL project

We invite you to fill this short form and become a supporter of the GoDIGITAL project! For more information about the project: Follow us on our GoDigital Ambassadors Group: The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

GoDIGITAL Petition

The GoDIGITAL Petition aims to: 1. Promote the Digital Competence Framework of Educators (DIGICOMPEDU). 2. Develop, implement and evaluate a complete tool kit which will support primary school teachers to design their digital development plan for upgrading current teaching and learning opportunities through the use of mobile learning and technology. …

GoDIGITAL е-платформа

Проект GoDIGITAL е насочен към нуждите на учителите и по-конкретно към развиването  на техните ИКТ умения. Той насърчава и включването на съвременните технологии в процеса на обучение. Сдружение “Юни Партнерс” заедно с партньорите си по проекта създадоха платформа за електронно обучение, чрез която могат да се повишат и надградят дигиталните …

GoDIGITAL e-platform

The GoDIGITAL project is addressing the needs of high quality teachers and aims to develop their ICT skills and digital competences. Association Euni Partners alongside with the partners in the project created the e-learning platform, which is helping to enhance teachers’ professional background by increasing their digital competences. Thus indirectly …

3rd Transnational Project Meeting GoDIGITAL

On 1st – 3rd July, Association Euni Partners took part in the third transnational project meeting in Cattolica, Italy within the project GoDIGITAL. The project aims to provide Primary school teachers with comprehensive development program, which will help them to improve their digital competences and as a consequence the digital …

2nd International Project Meeting within the GoDIGITAL project

Between 1st and 2nd June, Association Euni Partners took part in the 2nd international meeting in Heraklion, Greece, within the project “GoDIGITAL: Integrating mobile learning and upgrading teachers’ digital needs”. The consortium met to discuss findings of the survey conducted in order to define the digital needs and requirements of …
