Euni Partners
2nd International Project Meeting within the GoDIGITAL project

2nd International Project Meeting within the GoDIGITAL project

Between 1st and 2nd June, Association Euni Partners took part in the 2nd international meeting in Heraklion, Greece, within the project “GoDIGITAL: Integrating mobile learning and upgrading teachers’ digital needs”.
The consortium met to discuss findings of the survey conducted in order to define the digital needs and requirements of primary school teachers, which will help to identify and design benchmarks and indicators of the GoDIGITAL Digital Competence Framework.
The project aims to support primary school teachers to integrate the use of digital tools and ICT in the teaching and learning process by offering them complete development program validated by Open Badge system.
All meeting objectives were met due to the excellent cooperation of the project partners:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk (Poland) – the coordinator , the hosting organisation – Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete (Greece), Emphasys Centre (Cyprus), Scuole Paritarie dell’Istituto delle Maestre Pie dell’Addolorata (Italy),  Association Euni Partners (Bulgaria) and Fundacja Zaufania Społecznego PUBLICA FIDES (Poland).
For more information about the project and its activities you can visit the official project website or the project’s Facebook

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