Euni Partners
Training for Primary School teachers within the project GoDIGITAL

Training for Primary School teachers within the project GoDIGITAL

Euni Partners conducted training on the GoDIGITAL project: Integrating mobile learning and upgrading teachers’ digital skills: A Tool Kit for effective strategies in primary school.

The training took place at the Fifth Primary School “Georgi Izmirliev” in Blagoevgrad. Euni Partners’ team taught the primary school teachers two of the five modules developed under the project – Internet and Tools and Applications. Through the training teachers gained new knowledge in working with ICT and to enrich their previous experience in creating a more attractive learning process. For all modules (Web Design, Learning Management System, Hardware, Internet, Tools and Applications) you can find detailed information  here.

If you are primary school teacher and you want to upgrade your digital skills sign up for our free online courses at the GoDIGITAL platform: 

Project partners: coordinator – Społeczna Akademia Nauk (Poland); Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete (Greece), Emphasys Center (Cyprus), Scuole Paritarie dell’Istituto delle Maestre Pie dell’Addolorata (Italy) and Fundacja Zaufania Społecznego PUBLICA FIDES (Poland).

The project is co-financed by the Erasmus + program, Key Activity 2.

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