Euni Partners

Kick off meeting of the project Lifelong Dancing

Kick off meeting of the project Lifelong Dancing was held in Iasi, Romania between 29-30 January 2019.
The project focuses on dancing as an educational tool. It foresees creating innovative practices in the field of adult education , which will be based on dance as therapy.

Lifelong Dancing promotes a better quality of life and social inclusion of people with fewer opportunities, such as refugees and migrants, people with psychological disorders, with physical disabilities, elderly people. This will be achieved through the integration of dancing as a therapeutic practice.

Association Euni Partners cooperates with ASPAYM Castilla y León (Spain), Cie Essevesse Cie Essevesse (France), Institutul de Cercetare şi Studiul Conştiinţei Cuantice (Romania), CEIPES (Italy) in implementing the project funded by Erasmus+ Programme.

















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