Association Euni Partners is delighted to announce the successful delivery of the first foreseen training within the project SMELT: Skilling Marginalized People to Enter the Labour Market. The training is dedicated to the ways how to find a job (channels for job offers, interview skills, contractual relationships, etc.)
On the 9th and 12th of May, the training called “Finding and starting a job” was held in two local VET schools with the support of the Regional Department of Education. The two VET schools that benefited from the training are Vocational Technical High School “Ichko Bojichev” and Vocational High School of Tourism and Light Industry “Gotsze Delchev”.
The training was purposefully delivered in the form of an interactive game, where students could experience firsthand the process of finding and starting a job.
Both of the VET schools shared the common opinion of the usefulness and legitimacy of this kind of training for the young people. 33 students were engaged in the training, which was structured in an interactive way. This approach helped the easier understanding of the taught material and the participation of the students through the process.
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme, under KA2.