Association Euni Partners hosted the first F2F meeting within the project ECO CHEF: vocational training for disadvantaged people. The theme of the meeting was social entrepreneurship.
On the first day, the project’s progress achieved results and general management was discussed, followed by the presentation of good practices adopted by association Euni Partners in the field of social inclusion. The second day was focused on social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria – its legal framework, current situation, social needs and Social enterprises in Bulgaria, and sustainable good practices. A study visit of a self-sustained business was also organized, with a discussion about the needs and opportunities for the development of this sector and the challenges the social entrepreneurs in Bulgaria are facing now.
The next meeting and study visit is planned for the end of this year. Meanwhile, the consortium should organize training on a local level for young people from vulnerable groups. These activities aim at preparing the youth and giving them chance to gain new skills and knowledge in order for them to be prepared to enter the labor market.
The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU, KA2 Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training.