Euni Partners

Second Transnational meeting of the CONNECTEDLEARNING@YW project

On 03.10 and 04.10.2019, the Еuni Partners Association hosted the second transnational meeting on the project “Promoting Quality Digital Youth Work through the Creation and Mapping of Connected Learning Pathways in Europe: an innovative way to reach marginalized young people”.

The project is aimed at facilitating and finding training courses. Its aims are to comfortably and unrestrictedly benefit and assist people of all ages and also to facilitate marginalized groups of young people to access the education they want. The second meeting discussed ways to secure and validate training opportunities; digital training packages accompanying the training methodology (open badges for validation of the learning); toolkit – creating digital learning routes and synergies (at national and European level) using digital learning packages as an example. The project brings together the expertise of the University of Ulster – Northern Ireland, Association Euni Partners – Bulgaria, Emphasys centre – Cyprus, Vudutek LTD – Bulgaria, HÄLSINGLANDS UTBILDNINGSFÖRBUND – Sweden, European Digital Learning Network – Italy, Culture Goes Europe (CGE) – Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. – Germany. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union.

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