Euni Partners
Kick-off meeting of the “SMELT” project

Kick-off meeting of the “SMELT” project

On 28th and 29th January, 2021, Association Euni Partners participated in the Kick-off meeting of the SMELT project: Skilling Marginalised people to Enter Labour Market, which is aimed to help marginalized and vulnerable groups of people to improve their lifestyles and to facilitate their entry into the labor market. Within the project the target group will have the chance, from one side, to develop new skills in the welder sector and, on the other, to improve their social, entrepreneurial and soft skills. This will significantly expand their opportunities for work and development.

Due to the COVID-19 situation and the restrictions the meeting was held online. The focus was on the management of the project and the planning of the future steps and stages needed for its implementation. At the beginning, all the partners shared a short description of their expertise, their responsibilities and tasks within the project. 

They also discussed in detail the implementation of the intellectual outputs and the tools of communication, evaluation and monitoring.

The project is funded by Erasmus+ Programme, KA2: Strategic Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training.

Partnership project coordinator: Samarcanda società cooperativa sociale Onlus – Italy; Partners: Center for Democracy Foundation – Serbia; SSOU MOSHA PIJADE – Tetovo -Republic of Northern Macedonia; SDRUZHENIE YUNI PARTNERS – Bulgaria; SYNTHESIS CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION – Cyprus; ASOCIACION MAR VIOLETA – Spain; ASSOCIATION DES AGENCES DE LA DEMOCRATIE LOCALE – France and Ecor International SpA – Italy.

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