Euni Partners
Final Event of the Project Act Social

Final Event of the Project Act Social

Association Euni Partners organized a final event within the project Act Social

On 20th of September 2019 Association Euni Partners organized a final event within the project Act Social. The aim of the meeting was to present all results developed during the implementation of the project for supporting the existing and potential social enterprises. Emphasis was placed on sustainable results:

• 2 Support Structures for support of social entrepreneurship established on the territory of Municipality of Blagoevgrad and Municipality of Thermi

• Web platform, serving as an online tool and center for support of potential and current social entrepreneurs.

• Mentoring course and teaching materials for establishment and management of entities operating in the field of social economy.

Mrs. Zornitsa Kraleva, Deputy Mayor for European projects and programmes in Municipality of Blagoevgrad, emphasized the important role of social entrepreneurship for vulnerable groups and the need for cooperation between local authorities and the non-governmental sector. Official guests of the event were also representatives of Regional Administration Blagoevgrad, and Mr. Marin Mitov, Director of national Humanitarian High School “St.St. Kiril and Metodyi”

Representatives of the partner organizations – Municipality of Termi, Greece and Association of Southwestern Municipalities also participated in the meeting.

ACT SOCIAL project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme.

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Association Euni Partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries, the Managing Authority, and the Joint Secretariat.

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