Euni Partners
Second Meeting Solidarity 4 Heritage Project

Second Meeting Solidarity 4 Heritage Project

On June 13-15 Association Euni Partners participated in the 2nd meeting of the project Solidarity 4 Heritage, co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the EU, which took place in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.

During the meeting were discussed challenges, which all stakeholders – local authorities, cultural organizations, civil society and volunteering organizations are facing in heritage preservation. Good practices related to the cultural preservation were also presented by each project partner. Based on these discussions, draft strategies for facilitating citizens and stakeholders’ involvement, as well as volunteering in heritage preservation were drafted by the expert groups from the participating municipalities.

During the second day of the meeting all partners took part in the Fair of municipalities and NGO’s in Novo Mesto part of the “Week of Culture 2018” festival. Association Euni Partners, together with the Municipality of Strumyani had the chance to present successfully the project objectives, progress and expected results.

The Network of towns is coordinated by the Municipality of Strumyani and Association Euni Partners, Bulgaria. The Network members are the Municipality of Agia, Greece, Naxxar Local Council, Malta, the Municipality of Caltanissetta, Italy and the Municipality of Novo Mesto, Slovenia.

For more informations on Solidarity4Heritage project, please click here.


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