The TECT Network has been established within the framework of the “Towards Excellence in Cultural Tourism” project, co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, Action 1 Active Citizens for Europe, Measure 1.2. Networks of Twinned Towns.
The project aims are to foster cooperation at European level between municipalities on the theme of intangible cultural heritage preservation and valorization through cultural tourism. The Municipality of Sandanski is the coordinator of the international initiative and the partners are Härryda Municipality, Sweden; Local Government Association, Malta; Sociedad de Desarrollo de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain; Municipality of Sepino, Italy, and Municipality of Agia, Greece.
Our aim is to jointly raise each local community’s capacity to address the needs of the fast growing cultural tourism sector and develop adequate strategies and products to promote the use of our tangible and intangible heritage for tourism.
For our towns the traditions, folk arts and crafts represent important resources from social and cultural development. By taking common action for their valorization and continuation we would like to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth both for local communities and in the EU as a whole.
The international project will get together the public authorities, citizens, youth, seniors, artists, small and medium businesses, NGOs, cultural and tourism organizations from the six European states, partners in the project. Six different thematic events will be organized during the lifetime of the project, with focus on active ageing and intergenerational learning, valorization and continuation of traditional culture; fostering transfer of knowledge and know-how among generations; traditional culture and entrepreneurship.