Between 12th and 14th of September, the second workshop on the topic “Become who you are” was held in the city of Blagoevgrad, organized by the Euni Partners Association.
The event was attended by 9 young people, between 16 and 19 years old, who jointly undertook a journey to their true essence. Through the techniques from the 3E method (EMBODY, EXPRESS, EMPOWER: Realise yourself), Destinotherapy, and the holistic CRAFT program they took a close look at their deepest fears and all the obstacles that stop them from achieving their biggest dream. The participants were able to realize that they had limiting beliefs in their subconscious and learned a technique to replace them with new ones that would help them on the path to their dreams. They gained knowledge and skills on how to get rid of all negative emotions and feelings in themselves so that they could see their future 10 years from now and realized that this future was secure and matched their visions of a dream life.
The workshop is part of the project Become who you are, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.