Euni Partners
R(AE)L INCLUSION – First meeting

R(AE)L INCLUSION – First meeting

The first meeting within the project R(AE)L INCLUSION was held in Rijeka, Croatia on the 23rd of November. During the meeting the consortium discussed in details the project aims, expected results, and the foreseen activities. In order to ensure the successful realization of the project, main strategies were discussed and unanimously adapted by the partners. This meeting also laid a foundation of the future collaboration between the members of the consortium.

R(AE)L INCLUSION project focus is on adults with learning and behavioural difficulties and disabilities and adult educators working in different adult education programmes. The project aims to educate adult educators to approach and respond to the needs of the adult learners, through different teaching methods and strategies, in order to support and provide them with a wider opportunity for learning, education, employment, and social interaction.

R(AE)L INCLUSION is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU, KA2: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

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