Euni Partners

Augmentative and Alternative Communication training in Greece

Association EUni Partners participated in the last training part of the project Listen, Act, Analyse. The activities took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, between 17-21 October, and were focused on the Augmentative and Alternative Communication method (AAC). During the course, the trainees from 3 countries had the opportunity to learn different …

3A Approach Training for social workers targeting children with disabilities and their families

A 4 -day of training within the project Listen, Act, Analyze was held in Locri, Italy. The theme of the training was 3 A Approach – a methodology developed based on professional experience in the field of education and special didactics for children between 5 – 16 years old. During …

Socialization and Self-esteem Training

Association “Euni-Partners” realized a 3-days Socialisation and self-esteem training for youth workers who work with children with SEN and disabilities. The training was held in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, between 28-30 June, and it is part of a project Listen, Analyse, Act: training courses for youth workers in the disability sector. During …

Listen, Analyse, Act: training courses for youth workers in the disability sector

The project Listen, Analyse, Act aims to promote the exchange of good practices and knowledge for a greater involvement of professionals and all those who are part of the educational sphere of children and adolescents with disabilities or special educational needs (e.g. families, caregivers, educators) in order to meet their …
