Euni Partners

RAYSE: Raising awareness of youth Europeans of second generation with migration background.

Over the past years, tens of thousands of migrants, including children and young people, have arrived in Europe seeking a brighter future. They represent an important part of our society which, at least in the short and medium term, will increase, despite the demographic decline in Europe. The new arrivals …

Closing conference of the Solidarity For Heritage project

Solidarity for Heritage Network was officially established during the Closing Conference of the S4H project. During the meeting in Strumyani, held between 4th March to 7th March 2019, representatives of Association Euni Partners, Municipality of Strumyani (Bulgaria), Municipality of Agia (Greece), Naxxar Local Council (Malta) and Municipality of Novo Mesto …

Training for inclusive education, using the methodology “Augmentative and Alternative Communication” (AAC)

Association Euni Partners together with the Regional Directorate of Education Blagoevgrad and the Regional Center for Supporting the Process of Inclusive Education – Blagoevgrad conducted a training for inclusive education, using the methodology “Augmentative and Alternative Communication” (AAC). During the training Mrs. Tsvetana Atanasova– chief expert for Inclusive Education in …
