GoDIGITAL 1st Newsletter
What is GoDIGITAL project about? What are the expected results and what are we aiming for? 1st Newsletter
What is GoDIGITAL project about? What are the expected results and what are we aiming for? 1st Newsletter
From 25 th February to 1 st March, Euni Partners team members took part in the short-term joint staff training in Nicosia, Cyprus, in order to get familiar with the training material, GoDIGITAL e-learning platform and next steps to be done. During the training all five modules have been presented …
Kick off meeting of the project Lifelong Dancing was held in Iasi, Romania between 29-30 January 2019. The project focuses on dancing as an educational tool. It foresees creating innovative practices in the field of adult education , which will be based on dance as therapy. Lifelong Dancing promotes a …
Association Euni Partners took part in the first international meeting of the RAYSE project on 17-19 January, held in Amsterdam. Project coordinators and representatives of all partners gathered to lay the foundations for the implementation of the project activities. The project aims to foster the youth participation in promotion of …