Euni Partners

Volunteering 4 Social Empowerment

Association EUni Partners is delighted to announce our newest volunteering project “Volunteering 4 Social Empowerment” funded by Erasmus+ Programme, which have started on November 1st. Within next 12 months, we will host 4 volunteers, Miguel from Spain, Alexia from France, Jovana and Branko from Serbia. The aim of the project …

The third transnational meeting of the project AAC@school for social inclusion in Blagoevgrad

Between 8th and 9th October 2018, Association Euni Partners hosted in Blagoevgrad the third transnational meeting of the project AAC@school for social inclusion. The meeting was opened with a welcome speech by the president of Association Euni Partners – Mrs Ilina Yakova and the Director of the Regional Directorate for …

Final Meeting of the “UPSKILLEAD” project

Association Euni Partners took part in the Final Meeting and Educational Conference of the UPSKILLEAD project between the 20th and the 21th of September 2018 in Nicosia, Cyprus. During the meeting all products were finalized, whereas all partners analysed their exploitation strategy in order to ensure the sustainability of the …

Fourth meeting of the “Heart of Europe HE-ART” project

Between 13th and 16th September Association Euni Partners together with the Municipality of Sandanski hosted the 4th project meeting of the “HE-ART” project, which was held in Sandanski, Bulgaria. The project meeting was opened by the mayor of the Municipality of Sandanski – Mr Kiril Kotev. The first day continued …

Third meeting of the project “Solidarity 4 Heritage”- Agia, Greece

From 23rd to 27th of August Association Euni Partners participated in the 3rd meeting of the project “Solidarity 4 Heritage” in Agia, Greece. During the meeting were discussed the results of the workshop in Novo Mesto and common strategies for development of tools for facilitating volunteering. Each partner took part …


From 2nd- 4th July Association Euni Partners in cooperation with National Humanitarian School “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” Blagoevgrad has organized ICT training on Graphic Design within the project “UPSKILLEAD: Upskilling Adult Educators for Digital Lead”, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 Strategic Partnership for adult education. During the training, …

Second Meeting Solidarity 4 Heritage Project

On June 13-15 Association Euni Partners participated in the 2nd meeting of the project Solidarity 4 Heritage, co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the EU, which took place in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. During the meeting were discussed challenges, which all stakeholders – local authorities, cultural organizations, civil society …

Upskillead: E-Academy

Are you an adult educator looking for an opportunity to upgrade your digital skills? Would you like to enhance the learning process in your classroom? Then sign up for our free courses and get a worldwide validated certificate – Open Badge! The project Upskillead offers you a comprehensive professional development programme, …

2nd International Project Meeting within the GoDIGITAL project

Between 1st and 2nd June, Association Euni Partners took part in the 2nd international meeting in Heraklion, Greece, within the project “GoDIGITAL: Integrating mobile learning and upgrading teachers’ digital needs”. The consortium met to discuss findings of the survey conducted in order to define the digital needs and requirements of …

Second International Meeting of the Project “Heart of Europe”

Between 20th and 22nd June, Association Euni Partners took part in the 2nd international meeting of the project Heart of Europe, funded under the Europe for Citizens Programme 2014-2020 of the EU, which was held in the Municipality of Larissa, Greece. The Municipality of Larissa organized a discussion and presented …
