Euni Partners
Pilot training on project CONNECTEDLEARNING@YW

Pilot training on project CONNECTEDLEARNING@YW

Association Euni Partners organized a Connected Learning pilot training on 21st and 22nd April 2021.

Twenty people (youth and youth workers) participated in the training and they were divided in two groups. It started with presentation of the project, educational modules and the created online platform for learning (connected learning map).

The main focus of the training was the budget and Business Planning module, developed by  Association Euni Partners , through which our participants were introduced to the basics of budgeting and business planning. After the introduction the trainees had the opportunity to use all the information provided to develop a business idea together and discuss it, both with each other and the trainer.

The project aims to make training accessible for everyone and provide an online tool for young people to easily access information on how to participate in different programs so they can develop their skills and improve their employability.

The project is co-funded by the program “Erasmus+” of the European Union, Key Action 2 – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices.


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